Saturday, September 27, 2008

Tax Credit is coming

I received an email telling me that there was a tax credit coming for small wind turbines, here what the email had to say.

Urge Your Representative to Vote for a Small-Wind Investment Tax Credit
This week the House of Representatives will vote on H.R. 6049, which contains an Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for small wind systems, an extension of the Production Tax Credit (PTC) for large turbines, and other legislation benefiting renewable energy. The bill overwhelmingly passed the Senate moments ago with a vote of 93 – 2 and is now making its way to the House for a vote. This could be that last opportunity this year for Congress to pass this legislation.

The bill includes an eight-year, 30% credit, capped at $4,000 for residential and commercial applications of small wind turbines. Small wind is defined as turbines with rated capacities of 100 kilowatts and less.

Please contact your Representative and urge him or her to vote Yes on H.R. 6049. by clicking here.

So please click the link and help us get that tax credit for those of you that would like to get a wind turbine for yourself.

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