Thursday, October 8, 2009

#10 is complete

This the last wind turbine I had to do for the year. This particular turbine took us almost a year to complete. I ordered the material back in December of 2008. But because Tuscola Township had no zoning in place for wind turbines we had to wait. But she is up and will be online sometime next week. Now we have to wait for DTE to come do a couple of tests and then it will be good to go. We had two articles written on this turbine one was in Tuscola County Advertiser and the other is currently running in the Vassar Pioneer Times, front page. Our next project is a 2kw solar panel system mounted on a pole with a tracker on it. This will be going over in the Glen Lake area. I will blog and post pictures as we get going on this project. Once this project is completed I will have a link attached to my web site showing how this system is doing with power product, so keep a look for that in the near future.

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