Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tooting my own horn

I just posted 5 reasons why you should buy from me the other day. I keep talking to people almost on a daily bases and they are all starting to say the same thing. No one calls back or emails. They do not show up on time.

I am also starting to see that more people are start to get into this market and there are a lot of wolves in sheep's clothing out there. So buyer beware. Not all wind turbines work. Some people will tell you anything to make a sale.

I am not that way, I try and find quality turbines that will meet your needs.

I am not afraid to tell you that your property is not right for wind turbine.

If I think that your property is questionable, I have a engineer friend that can come in and tell exactly if it is right for you.

I was looking at a website the other day that a person had told me about. He had been to the City Hall in Vassar for a meeting that a company put on to try and sell wind turbines to the group. But when pressed for information about permits, net metering, and how many they installed they were not able to tell the group. So the guy gave me their website and I checked it out. They said that they had done over 28 installs, but not where. They handle all the permitting and net metering. But when asked at the meeting, the homeowner was responsible for all of that. Also the site had no pictures, no phone numbers, no addresses, Hmmm!!

Well I show pictures with a map on where they are located at and where the next project are subject to start.

We have an address and a map to get to our location.

When we do a project for a customer the only thing that customer has to do is get the zoning permit and write the check.

We fill out all the forms and send you envelopes with the address where they have to get mailed, with the stamp on it already.

All the documents are labeled where you have to sign and date.

We come in and haul all the trash away.

We do all the scheduling of cranes, inspectors, and power company.

We make it easy and smooth.

We want your project to be a great experience, not an experience that leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

So give us a call and let me show you what we can do for you. You will not be let down.

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