I received an email today about vertical and roof mounted turbines on why they do not work.
Many of you may be getting calls about the viability of rooftop and/or vertical axis wind turbines.
We recently produced a fact sheet on these wind turbines. Small rooftop wind turbines: Common questions and answers
Basically, a wind turbine with a small swept area, located close to the ground in a cluttered area, is not going to produce much power.
http://www.focusonenergy.com/files/Document_Management_System/Renewables/smallrooftopwindturbine_factsheet.pdf (copy and paste this link)
For that reason, Focus on Energy is not providing incentives for these turbines at this time.
Don Wichert, P.E.
Director, Renewable Energy Programs
Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corporation
431 Charmany Drive
Madison, WI 53719
Phone: 608/249-9322 ext. 120
Fax: 608/249-0339
Visit the Focus on Energy Web Site
-- Post From My iPhone
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Hummer wind turbines
Just recieved a price list for the new Hummer wind turbines that I have a dealership for. So if anyone wants a price let me know. Anything that is larger than a 5kw unit comes on a 80' tower and larger, nothing less than that. Besides any tower less then 60' in my opinion is a waste of money. I have several Skystreams up at different sized towers and they are doing less production on towers 45' and shorter. The 60' towers are blowing all others away, no pun intended.
-- Post From My iPhone
-- Post From My iPhone
My booth at the fair
The fair is in full swing now. Today is kid's day at the fair. There has been a stead flow of people since I got here at 11 this morning. I had to finish the project that I started yesterday. I had to go back and remove the 17' extension on the 60' tower that I took down yesterday. The extension is going to Bellaire, MI where I am putting it on the Meeder's turbine.

-- Post From My iPhone

-- Post From My iPhone
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuscola County Fair
I will have a booth at the Tuscola County Fair all next week. I will have a Skystream on hand for people to look at, up close and personal. Register to win a $50 gift card to Walmart. Fair's web site. The fair starts July 26 and ends August 1. So stop by and say hi.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Hummer wind turbines
As of today I am a dealer of the Hummer wind turbine. It is not set to be released until the end of August or September. I will be bringing more information about this turbine as it becomes available in the next few months. Here is a link to the companies web site. So this will be the fourth turbine that I can offer to people that are looking to have a turbine for their selves. Skystream, Proven, Bergey and Hummer are the units that I now carry.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
TV 29 and 8
Keep your eyes open the next few weeks we will be advertising on TV for the first time. I send a deal for 72 spots that will be featured on TV 29 and 8 starting in Mid- July running through Mid- August. I will try and post the ad on this blog once it has been released.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
60' tower and turbine
Monday, July 6, 2009
Lake Leelanau tomorrow
Stop by tomorrow between 1 and 2pm in Lake Leelanau on E. Lingaur Rd. to watch us install a 60' tower with a wind turbine on top. As far as I know this will be the tallest Skystream wind turbine in Leelanau County. I will post pictures after the project is completed tomorrow.
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